

Book Chapter: 'Silence', in Sound Affects: A User's Guide, (New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022)

Silence & Affect

This entry explores the affective potential of silence. Arriving from feminist thinkers, such as Sheena Malhotra and Aimee Carrillo, it considers silence as a place of embodied and political possibility and explores the affects and agencies that might be discovered when listening to the full spectrum of silence. As an attempt to break away from political discourses of Western culture that align silence with powerlessness, disembodiment and inaction, the entry explores Pauline Oliveros’s Sonic Meditation (1971) works as a way of re-imagining silence as transformative and integral to our embodied life and its affective contours. The analysis explores how bodily and environmental silences may serve as a space connected to both agency and resistance, where cathartic, intense, restorative, healing and connecting affects may be unearthed.

Journal Article: 'Post-Soviet Gendered Soundscapes: Lithuania', in Soundscape as a Journal,(Lithuanian Cultural Institute, 2022)

Gendered Soundscapes

Gendered Soundscapes

This article questions how soundscapes might be gendered and gender sounded within the post-soviet context, specifically Lithuania. Using field recordings, note-taking and audiovisual archiving, the project listens to everyday lived public and private spaces and asks how different thresholds of sound, from silence, voice, music to technologically mediated background noise, contributes towards the production of soundscapes where prescribed gender roles, sexism, and misogyny continue to linger as ingrained sounding elements, and how these might be embodied by those who endure in it.

Book Chapter: 'Doing Sonic Feminism', Atlas of Imagination, Vilnius Art Academy Press (2019)

Doing Sonic Feminism

'Doing Sonic Feminism', Research/Practice Map, Vilnius Art Academy Publishers, 2019

Doing Sonic Feminism is a chapter that will be included in the Atlas of Imagination book, to be published by Vilnius Academy Pressin 2019. The chapter creates a visual map of my practice-based research methodology and contextualises some of my art projects, including Expanded Soundscapes compositions.

Book Chapter: 'Women Sonic Thinkers - The Histories of Seeing, Touching and Embodying Sound', The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound Art, Bloomsbury Press (2019)

Women in Sound

'Women Sonic Thinkers', The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound Art, Bloomsbury Press, 2019

Women Sonic Thinkers - The Histories of Seeing, Touching and Embodying Sound explores the histories of sonic thinking and practice in the context of sound arts through a feminist perspective. Specifically, it forms a critical investigation of how self-identifying women artists working with sound and technology as well as writing about sound and technology, have sought to respond and to an extent subvert the techno-determinist attitude towards, what I call, sounding arts. What potential alternative methodologies, ones that operated outside the “sanctioned” norms and regulations as prescribed by male domination in sound art, were invented, discovered and utilised by those who, one way or another, were marginalised or working outside the stereotypically ingrained canons (the rational, objective and what one may consider - a masculine approach to sound)? The chapter, thus, questions what methods manifested in the artists’ conceptualisations and writings about sound as a result since the invention of the first auditory technologies such as the phonograph at the start of the twentieth century. This chapter is included in the The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound Art book, edited by Holger Schulze and Sanne Krogh Groth.

Journal Article: 'Soundscapes of The Post Soviet World Today - Resounding Lithuania', Vol. 25 The Politicsof Sound Art, Leonardo Music Journal (2015)

Politicsof Sound

Politicsof Sound

Soundscapes of the Post Soviet World Today is an article that reflects on my personal ethnographic sonic art project that aims to reveal the soundscapes of contemporary post-Soviet countries. In this statement I present the project’s first case study: the soundscapes of Lithuania. The article was published by Leonardo Music Journal, Vol. 25 - The Politics of Sound, Dec 2015.