
With Silences (2020)

Sound Walk

‘With Silences’, Exhibition View, 2020, SIM Gallery, Reykjavik, 8 Hand-drawn Sound Scores, 2 Cassette Tapes, 2 Cassette Players, Looped

With Silences explores the transformative possibilities of silence. What can we learn from reading silences and being with them? The project presents a series of graphic sound scores composed by listening to our inner silences as well as the silences that reveal themselves by our lived environments. The scores explore how different spaces fill our silences, whether it is nature, institutions, homes, or places of memory, and how our silences crowd the spaces we inhabit. The sound scores have been written and composed using the hidden, the inexpressible, inner speech, the sounds of nature – including elements that do not fit into the musical canons or our pre-learnt expressive language but are always circulating in-between, between presence and absence.

Rather than considering silence as something that exists outside of agency, as something that we must resist, With Silences is interested in what new forms of knowledge and understanding can emerge if we allow silences to surface.

Produced and exhibited at SIM, Reykjavik, Iceland, in 2020.

Sound Art

‘With Silences’, Exhibition View, 2020, SIM Gallery, Reykjavik, 8 Hand-drawn Sound Scores, 2 Cassette Tapes, 2 Cassette Players, Looped

Sound Art

Sound Art

‘With Silences’ compositions (2020), hand-recorded, limited edition displayed in the SIM gallery

Sound Art

Sound Art

Sound Art

Sound Art

Sound Art